Surgery Services and Clinics

Below are the services and clinics available in your area.

Cervical smears

All women between the age of 20 and 65 should have a regular smear test every three to five years. We send out appointment reminders to all of our patients to let you know when your next smear is due.

Child development

We send out appointments for regular checks and immunisations for pre-school children. This is to make sure that our doctors and health visitors can check that children are developing normally and that there’s nothing to worry about.

Contraceptive services

Our doctors and nurses give confidential advice on all aspects of family planning, including coil fitting and the contraceptive pill.

Health screening

We offer a wide range of health screening for men and women at our surgery.


Women aged between 50 and 60 are advised to attend the Breast Screening Unit every three years for a mammography. This is to make sure we can check and detect any abnormalities as soon as possible. These appointments are sent out by the local Breast Unit.

Find breast screening services.

Maternity care

Register with a midwife through the booking form here or by phoning 0117 414 6743. 

Travel advice, vaccinations and immunisations

The following websites will give you travel advice

Travel Health for information of vaccinations available on NHS

MASTA for private vaccination clinics for specific country travel advice

EHIC to apply for your free European Health Insurance Card

Non-NHS services

Private Work Fees

Some services provided are not covered under our contract with the NHS and therefore attract charges. Examples include the following:

  • Medicals for pre-employment, sports and driving requirements (HGV, PSV etc.)
  • Insurance claim forms
  • Private letters

The fees charged are based on the British Medical Association (BMA) suggested scales and our reception staff will be happy to advise you about them along with appointment availability. Appointments for private work have to be outside normal Practice session times.

The Practice is no longer able to carry out private blood tests - patients will need to have these done where the test was requested or find an alternative, such as Superdrug.

Counsellors and advice services

Find out about local counsellors and advice services. You can access these services by speaking to your GP or the surgery’s receptionist.

Checking your own blood pressure

There is a blood pressure machine available in the waiting room at the surgery, however, many patients monitor their blood pressure at home. This is safe and easy to do - in fact it gives the most accurate readings as they are done in your usual environment. We would strongly encourage this and if you are asked for your blood pressure to be done you can submit the results to us online via the online consultation form, or by replying to the text message we may have sent you. Blood Pressure machines are readily available to buy and cost around £20.

Here is a great guide on how to check your BP at home:

Here is a form you can use to fill in your BPs to record and calculate your average BP result:

Blood pressure monitoring sheet

Other available clinics and services

The practice operates a system of mixed clinics for nurse appointments providing a very flexible and patient friendly service.

The nurse team, at all level, are experienced practitioners who deal with a wide range of health conditions and are experts in many areas of chronic disease management. For more information, please ring the surgery on 01454 772153 AFTER 11am.

The following services are provided:

  • Asthma and COPD
  • Baby/Child Immunisation
  • Diabetes
  • Women's Health/Smear
  • Vascular Disease
  • Family Planning & Nexplanon Insertions
  • Hypertension
  • Stop Smoking & Health Promotion Advice
  • Dressings
  • Blood Taking
  • Injections
  • Blood Pressures
  • ECG's
  • NHS Health Checks
  • 24 hour Blood Pressure Recordings
  • Renal Checks
  • Minor Illness and Triage