Opening times
Find our opening times below.
Day |
Hours |
Monday |
8:00am - 6:30pm |
Tuesday |
8:00am - 6:30pm |
Wednesday |
8:00am - 6:30pm |
Thursday |
8:00am - 6:30pm |
Friday |
8:00am - 6:30pm |
Saturday |
Closed |
Sunday |
Closed |
Bank Holidays
Please be aware that the Surgery closes on Bank Holiday's.
Please be mindful of this when ordering medication.
The online consultation service will also be unavailable during these times.
Additional Appointments
Working within our current staffing capacity we are doing our best to ensure that you have access to additional appointments outside of these hours. As a result you may be offered an early morning or evening appointment. If this is something you would prefer please ask about availability when booking an appointment.
Call Recording
Note that all incoming and outgoing calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes.
When we're closed
NHS 111
You can call NHS 111 by dialling 111 for advice and treatment when we are closed.
Accidents and emergencies (A&E)
If you or someone else experiences severe chest pain, loss of blood or suspected broken bones, you should go to your nearest A&E department or call 999.
Local pharmacist
Your local pharmacist is also able to give you medical advice and over-the-counter medicines for minor treatments. You don’t need to book an appointment.
Online services
You can also access several online services and get health and care advice on our website. Find out more about our online services.