Repeat Prescriptions Before Bank Holiday
Please ensure all repeat medication requests are submitted 7 days before all Bank Holidays.
Repeat Prescriptions
The quickest and easiest way to order repeat prescriptions is by using the NHS App - please click on the image on the right for more information on how to do this.
If you do not have access to the NHS App, please order repeat prescriptions on the printed request form provided at the chemist when you collect your medication. This can then be:
- posted to the surgery
- placed in the repeat prescription box on the reception desk or the surgery's external letter box or
- handed in at your local chemist (who will return it to us)
Alternatively you can order online via the link at the top of this page. Patients new to the service will need to register first.
Please note we DO NOT accept telephone requests for prescription items.
Your repeat prescription will be ready for collection at the pharmacy of your choice after 15:00 five working days after we receive this request.
We are unable to process requests any quicker due to the volume of prescriptions we deal with on a daily basis.
Urgent Requests
As a patient it is your responsibility to make sure that you submit your request while you still have sufficient medication to last you because we are unable to provide prescriptions urgently, except in exceptional circumstances. If an urgent request for medication is made, you will need to fill in a urgent prescription request form and a clinician will decide whether this is necessary.
Medication Reviews
Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a clinician at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your medication.
Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.